Strategic Approach to AI

Everyone is talking about AI’s massive potential… but you are not 100% sure where to start? or you have started but you are not 100% sure if you are focusing on the right things? 

Or simply you don’t have the resources or the capacity to embrace it all or are unsure on how AI will really make a difference?

You are not alone!


Discover how you can develop a clear plan to convert your marketing challenges into AI opportunities and create real impact with a free 45 minutes Outsmart the AI hype consultation 

Here what you get out of the session with us:

  • A quick review of your situation and the opportunities to leverage AI effectively in your organisation 
  • An introduction to our problem first approach, to define use cases that create real impact to your business
  • An overview of the prioritisation framework we use to define where AI can contribute best to solve your commercial challenges
  • An indicative proposal for services in 48 hours

How do we approach it?

Defining the right areas for investment in AI to boost the commercial effectiveness requires an approach centred in the definition of the problems first instead of the choice of technological tools. In partnership with Sngular, we have developed an approach that focuses on:

  1. Real solutions for real problems: We conduct a comprehensive analysis to ensure the very first step is to identify the core challenges, before any solution, technical or not, is being proposed or evaluated. This ensures the future impact and success of the AI or any other implementation
  2. Pragmatic: Priority is key, as well as it is to stay within the boundaries of what is feasible to ensure effective implementation. Focus of resources in the right places where impact can be maximise is the main goal of our approach
  3. Co-creative, hence close to the business: We work collaborative with the team, both in the evaluation process as well as in the definition and prioritisation of solutions. This ensures that the we stay always honest to what matters. We will always balance a good dose of listening with challenging to get the best outcome.
  4. Beyond AI: Although our approach aims at informing the AI roadmap and journey, because it is business centric, and technology agnostic at first, it can uncover other opportunities which are equally valuable and which will require to be included in the future focus

Do you want to check yourself how strategically you are approaching your AI journey?

Brand Strategy

In today’s crowded marketplace, a product or service alone isn’t enough. You need a clear direction, a map that guides your every move: that’s where brand strategy comes in. It’s more than just a logo and its accompanying visual and auditory elements; it’s the essence of what your offer stands for, the personality of your product or service, and how it will connect with its audience. It answers the essential question: why should anyone care?


This strategic blueprint defines your voice, values, and promise, ensuring your every decision, from marketing campaigns to customer interactions, resonates with your target audience. It helps you stand out from the crowd, attracting the right customers and fostering lasting loyalty. Think of it as your compass. Without it, you’re adrift, constantly wandering around trends and personal preferences. But with a strong brand strategy, your business is in a better position to create an outstanding experience, a long-lasting connection, a truly loved brand.

How do we approach it?

Crafting a sound brand strategy demands a holistic approach, one that seamlessly integrates business goals, market trends, competitor insights, and, most importantly, the needs of your customers. Grounded in our belief in shared expertise, we use a five-pillar framework to guide you to brand success:

Define Your Customer’s Story

We don’t just analyze demographics; we delve into your customers’ motivations, emotions, and aspirations. This deep understanding fuels a relevant value proposition and fosters lasting loyalty.

Anchor in Business Vision

We align your brand with your broader business goals, ensuring your core competencies and target market are strategically positioned for sustainable growth

Navigate the Future

Using advanced trend analysis tools, we identify future opportunities and potential threats, shaping your brand voice and offerings to stay ahead of the curve.

Outsmart the Competition

We conduct a thorough competitive review, not just to differentiate you, but to develop creative strategies that leave your competitors behind.

Unlock Collective Brilliance

We believe in co-creation. We guide the process with our expertise, while actively engaging you and your team in shaping the brand narrative. This fosters ownership and empowers your team to champion your brand for lasting success.

What can we do for you?

Brand Strategy

Develop or refine your brand strategy from scratch, ensuring it aligns with your business goals and resonates with your target audience.

Brand Architecture

Optimize your brand portfolio for clarity, synergy, and maximum impact on your audience.

Internal implementation

Empower your team to champion your brand and bring your strategy to life through their words and actions.

Brand Design

We collaborate with our partners at Unlimited Brand to create a powerful visual language that embodies your brand’s essence.

Ready to unlock the full potential of your brand? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Do you want to see some examples of the brand strategy work we have done? You can check some examples here

Marketing Strategy and planning

In today’s marketing landscape, with proliferating channels and competitive threats, it is easy to fall into the temptation of diversifying our efforts too much and end up with scattered results. Today, more than ever you need a clear course of action, a map that orchestrate your efforts, that help you focus on what matters most and drives the biggest impact. Our Marketing Strategy and Planning service is more than just a checklist; it’s a pragmatic and strategic approach to finding the sweet spot for your brand and harmonizing your goals, channels, and messages to captivate your audience and achieve lasting success.


We will help you achieve success by identifying the moments that really matter, so you can make every touchpoint resonates. This way you will be able to translate your business vision into a plan that will help you differentiate from the competition and drive sustainable growth.

Unleashing Your Brand's Potential: A Collaborative Journey

Ready to unleash your brand’s uniqueness with strong Marketing Strategies? Contact us today for a free consultation.

Here are some examples of the work we have done in the past to support other organisations with Marketing Strategy and planning

Our comprehensive Marketing Strategy and Planning section equips you with the tools and skills to build, execute, and refine a winning Marketing Plan. From defining your core marketing goals to crafting an omnichannel experience that delights your customers, we guide you every step of the way. But we don’t just hand you a roadmap; we embark on this journey with you, fostering a collaborative environment where on-the-job learning empowers your team to own and implement the strategy long after the project ends. By the time we part ways, you’ll have gained the knowledge, confidence, and agility to navigate the ever-evolving marketing landscape and achieve sustainable success. We will approach our engagement with you following these critical steps:

Deep dive into your Business and Brand Strategy: We start with your brand strategy and the short- and long-term business goals you have set up for your product, service or company. Whether you’re aiming to conquer a new market segment, leapfrog competitors, or ignite brand love, your specific objectives are the north star guiding our journey. We’ll take your desired outcomes and use them to power a marketing plan that drives sustainable growth and makes your vision a reality.

Uncover the unspoken customer truths: We don’t just analyse demographics or the key data points available; we delve into your customers’ motivations, emotions, and aspirations. Favouring human to human interactions we use different methods and sources of information to achieve the deep understanding that fuels the relevance of the plan and enables us to understand where to focus the attention.

Define the experience: We chart every interaction your customers have with your brand or similar brands, identifying moments of delight or opportunities for improvement. We then prioritise those moments to define the areas of focus for the tactical plan.

Balance the content and the channels: Through a creative and collaborative process, together we plan the content most likely to inspire inspires, informs, and delights customers. This includes the definition of the most appropriate format and channel, to deliver it, based on the audiences’ preferences and behaviours, weaving it seamlessly into your customer’s journey.

Continuous improvement: We design a robust measurement system, analysing your performance, refining your strategy, and keeping you ahead of the curve. From overall performance to activity metrics to engagement, we select the right set of metrics for your team to have a useful view of what is working and not and get actionable insights from the data to optimise the plan or the execution.

Creating and learning via collaboration: Co-creation is core to our value proposition. In planning we support by guiding the company effort, with our expertise. But Cross-functional participation is key and will foster ownership of the plan as well as equipping the team with the skills needed for sustainable success.


Our training goes beyond a one-size-fits-all approach. It’s a co-created journey where you learn by doing, alongside our expertise. We embed upskilling into every step, ensuring your team confidently owns and implements your marketing strategy. But we understand specific needs require targeted solutions. That’s why we offer bespoke training in key areas like:


✓ Sharpening your insights: Master the art of understanding your audience, market trends, and competitor landscape, laying the foundation for a winning strategy.

✓ Conquering the competitive battlefield: Learn battle-tested tactics to outperform your rivals and conquer a distinct space in the market.

✓ Orchestrating an omnichannel plan: Craft seamless experiences across every touchpoint, ensuring your brand resonates wherever your customers engage.

This tailored approach ensures your team not only grasps the theory, but also develops the practical skills to execute your marketing masterpiece with confidence and unleash the power of your business and your brands.